CURRENT ISSUE 1402/08/29 - 11:53 - تعداد بازدید: 2028 Vol 11 No 3 (2024): Summer Letter to Editor(s) Application of communication technologies in ensuring patient safety in home care: Pros and cons Sahar Keyvanloo Shahrestanaki , Zahra Amrollah Majdabadi Kohne , Tahereh Najafi Ghezeljeh XML | PDF | downloads: 32 | views: 45 | pages: 201-203 Commentary(s) Strengthening nursing students’ mental well-being Yusrita Zolkefli XML | PDF | downloads: 22 | views: 12 | pages: 204-206 Review Article(s) The impact of negative pressure wound therapy on surgical site infection rates in obese women following cesarean section: A systematic review and meta‐analysis Mahdieh Arian , Azadeh Kamali XML | PDF | downloads: 29 | views: 66 | pages: 207-223 Abstract Nursing care when bathing dependent elderly people at home: A scoping review Pollyanna Guimarães Braga , Karina Dal Sasso Mendes , Daiane de Souza Fernandes , Mauriely Paiva de Alcântara e Silva , Adriano Borges Ferreira , Wender Gonçalves Coêlho , Rosalina Aparecida Partezani Rodrigues XML | PDF | downloads: 26 | views: 61 | pages: 224-238 Abstract Original Article(s) Safe provision of nursing care as predicted by nursing students: A cross-sectional study Andrea Solgajová , Dominika Kohanová , Dana Zrubcová , Ľuboslava Pavelová XML | PDF | downloads: 37 | views: 44 | pages: 239-248 Abstract Perceived organizational support and its impact on nurses’ intention to stay in Vietnam: Psychological well-being and organizational commitment as mediators Cong Hiep Duong , Yi-Hui Ho , Thi Kim Thoa Hoang XML | PDF | downloads: 24 | views: 91 | pages: 249-258 Abstract Exclusive breastfeeding experience among healthcare working mothers in central Tanzania: A qualitative study Elihuruma Eliufoo , Shedrack Mgeyekwa , Victoria Majengo , Yusheng Tian , Yamin Li XML | PDF | views: 97 | pages: 259-271 Abstract The effect of education through a mobile application on self-care behavior in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary: A randomized clinical trial Khatereh Salavati , Nahid Rejeh , Farhad Rohani , Alireza Dehghan Nayeri XML | PDF | downloads: 19 | views: 37 | pages: 272-282 Abstract Big five personality traits and resilience as predictors for self-isolation adherence during COVID-19 pandemic Kayvan Alimoradi , Reza Ghanei Gheshlagh , Ahmed Najeeb Albatineh , Bahram Nikkhoo , Farideh Nargesi , Khaled Rahmani XML | PDF | downloads: 18 | views: 29 | pages: 283-290 Abstract Exploring pain management practices among nurses in a provincial city of Vietnam: A cross-sectional investigation of influential factors Nga Thi Nguyen , Huyen Thi Hoa Nguyen , Hoang Huy Duong , Anh Tuan Truong , Duc Quang Tran XML | PDF | downloads: 22 | views: 33 | pages: 291-300 Abstract کپی کلمات کلیدی
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