ارائه مقاله در کنگره های بین المللی

1. Dehghan Nayeri N. Conflict in Iranian clinical nurses: A mixed method. 5th International Nursing Management Conference. November 17-19, 2011. Antalya, Turkey.

2. Houshmand Bahabadi A, Dehghan Nayeri N, Negarandeh R. The relationship between productivity and Burnout Dimentions among Iranian nurses. 5th International Nursing Management Conference. November 17-19, 2011. Antalya, Turkey.

3. Rahimikian F , Khosroshahi Z, Tehranian N, Mehran A. Family planing methods and quality of life. 2th International Nursing Research Conference “Access to quality health through research”. February 9-10, 2012. University Malaya, Kuala Lampur, Malayasia.

4. Taghizadeh Z , Irajpour A, Arbabi M, Kazemnejad A. Pregnancy and childbirth as a point between the life and death. 3rd International & 18th National Congress of Iranian Society for Reproductive Medicine . 18-20 April, Tabriz, Iran. 

5. Zolfaghari M , Mehrdad N, Asadi AA. Learning Outcomes in two Different Nursing Educational Approaches in Iran: eLearning Versus Lecture. 7th International Conference on eLearning Location: Chinese Univ Hong Kong (CUHK) . JUN 21-22, 2012. Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA.

6. Imanipour M , Jalili M, Mirzazadeh A, Dehghan Nayeri N. Development and implementation of a comprehensive competency assessment system for nursing students. The international medical education conference . August 27-29, 2012. Lyon, France.

7. Negarandeh R . Patient advocacy and Iranian national code of ethics. 13th International Nursing Ethics Conferenc. October 4-6, 2012. Izmir, Turkey.

8. Dehghan Nayeri N , Aghajani M. How patients are satisfied with observing privacy by health care provider? 13th International Nursing Ethics Conference. October 4-6, 2012. Izmir, Turkey.

9. Bolourchifard F, Negarandeh R. The Perceived information of cancer patients’ informed consent for clinical research: ethical challenges. 13th International Nursing Ethics Conference.October 4-6, 2012. Izmir, Turkey.

10. Sadeghi T, Dehghan Nayeri N, Karimi R. Iranian nurses and hospitalized adolescents’ views of dignity. 13th International Nursing Ethics Conference. October 4-6, 2012. Izmir, Turkey.

11. Rahimikian F. Comparison Active and Expectant Management of Second Stage of Labor on Pain and Peri-anal Trauma. 4th international congress of interventional pain medicine & 6th annual ISRAPM congress. October 12-14, 2013. Tehran, Iran.

12. Rahimikian F, Faezi SH. Influence of ?-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid on the expression of IGF-1 and COX-2 in human granulosa cell. 14th international congress of obstetrics and gynecology . October 14-17, 2014. Tehran, Iran.

13. Rahimikian FModarres M, Boriyayi E, Mehran A. Evaluation of pelvic exercise training on the primiparous women’s sexual satisfaction. 6th Biannual meeting of the Turkish Society of Reproductive Medicine. November 06-09 2014, Antalya, Turkey.

14. Rahimikian F, Zandi A, Amani Samani R, Maroufizadeh S, Mehran A. Developement, standardization, reliability and validity of gestational surrogacy scale. 6th International Congress of Newest Research Achievement in Medical Science. November 17-20, 2015. Tehran, Iran.

15. Rahimikian F ,Shadmehr A, Mehran A , Kiani M. Effect of Foot Massage on Physiological Edema During Pregnancy. 12th International Congress on Obstrics and Gynecology. Oct 11-18, 2015. Tehran, Iran.

16. Rahimikian F, Fadaee M, Mehram A. Effect og continuous care model on quality of life and treatment associated with infertile women. The 2nd International Congress on Reproduction ISERB. May 18-20,2016. Tehran, Iran.

17. Esmaeili M.Lecturer in The 5th International Congress on Heart Failure in Iran. May 2016. Tehran.

18. Damghanyan M, Kharaghani R. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea in Iran: a systematic review and metaanalysis. The poster presented in The Second International Conference of the Kurdistan-Iraq Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. October 26-28, 2016. Erbil- Kurdistan, Iraq.

19. Rahimikian F, Golzare P. Strategies Offered by Midwifes in The Prevention of  Sarcopenia and Osteoprosis with an Emphasis on Physical Activity and Safety in Balance. Seminar of Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoprosis. Dec 15-16, 2016. Tehran. Iran.

20. Rahimikian F, Mangoli E, Ebrahimian N. Halogen Light vs. Vibroacoustic Stimulation in Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: a Midwife Role. The 1st International Congress on Reproductive Health and Childbearing. 2016. Tehran, Iran.

21. Damghanyan M. Invited lecturer in The Second International Conference of the Kurdistan-Iraq Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. October 26-28, 2016. Erbil- Kurdistan, Iraq.

22. Damghanyan M. Lecturer in workshop of Fetal Health Assessment. The Second International Conference of the Kurdistan-Iraq Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. October 26-28, 2016. Erbil- Kurdistan, Iraq.

23. Damghanyan M. Lecturer in International Seminar on Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis. November 2016. Tehran.

24.  Yazdkhasti M, Negarandeh R, Behboodi-Moghadam Z. The Paradox of Women's Experiences in Menopausal Transition: Qualitative study. The fifth Iranian International Conference on Women’s Health Cancer in Women. 2016, May 18 and 19. Shiraz, Iran

25. Esmaeili M. Stroke Management: Nursing Roles. Advances in Bioscience and Clinical Medicine.The 9th Iranian stroke congress. 2017 Feb 28. Tehran, Iran.

26. Esmaeili M. Lecturer in The Third International Congress of Immunology, Asthma and Allergy. February 2017. Tehran.

27. Heidari S, Ravari A,Dehghan Nayeri N, Sabzevari S. Exploration of Organizational Learning Process in Clinical Nursing: A Grounded Theory.The 3rd international conference on creative education. Mar 3-4,2017. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

28. Imanipour M. Which e-learning methods can improve knowledge and satisfaction of critical care nurses about brain death and transplantation? The poster presented in 16th International Congress on Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation. May 2017. Shiraz, Iran.

29. Rahimikian F, Damghanian M, Fadaeee M, Shajrokhnejad T E, Mehran A. Improving the Quality of Life in Infertile Woman Based on Continious Care Model by Midwives. 14th International Congress on Obstrics and Gynecology. Oct 10-13, 2017. Tehran, Iran.

30. Damghanyan M. Lecturer in International Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. September 2017. Tehran.

31. Imanipour M. Observing the rights of patients admitted to ICU: Need to nurses moral sensitivity. The poster presented in International Congress on Ethics in Science and Technology. December 2017. Tehran.

32. Rahimikian F. The Effectiveness Crocussativus L. (Saffron) on Sexual Dysfunction at Reproductive Ages. Computer science & communications medicine & healthcare. Jan 5-7, 2018. Bankhok,Thiland.

33. Imanipour M. Presence of patients’ family in CCU and their perception about nurses Care. The poster presented in Fifth International Congress of Intensive Care. January 2018. Tehran.

34. Zolfaghari M. Training in the Oporto Training Week ISPAB/P&B, in the framework of the project  OPATEL: Online Platform for Academic Teaching and Learning in Iraq and Iran. 16 April 2018. Oporto, Portugal.

35. Rahimi Kian F, Mohammadi Sh, Shahbazi Sh, Haghani Sh. The effect of cold compress in pain and anxiety of active phase of labor in primiparous women. The poster presented in Third International Congress of Minimally Invasive Gynecology & Obstetrics. Dec 18-20, 2018. Tehran, Iran.

36. Anolin aslan, Maryam Esmaeili. Outcomes of patient and family centered care interventions in the ICU. 6th International congress on critical care medicine. Jan  9-11 2019- Razi conventional center. Tehran, Iran.

37. Anolin aslan, Maryam Esmaeili.The effect of patient and family member preparation program before surgery on coronary artery bypass graft outcomes. 7th International congress on critical care medicine. Jan 8-10. 2020- Razi conventional center. Tehran, Iran.

38. Maryam Esmaeili. Respiratory management in critical care. 5 th International Critical Care Congress. 2018, Jan 11-13, Tehran, Iran.

39. Maryam Esmaeili .Clasification system education on visual differential diagnostic ability. 3 th International on visual differential diagnostic ability . Razi conventional center. Tehran, Iran.

40. Ebrahimpour F, Imanipour M. Vertical integration through an innovative gamification in nursing education. Sigma's Virtual 31st International Nursing Research Congress .2020. 

41. Rahimi Kian F. Relationship between Midwives’ Emotional Intelligence and Mother's Satisfaction from Midwifery Cares. 3rd Virtual Conference on Nursing Education and Health Care. 2021, May 24. Mississippi, USA.

42. Grylka S, Fallahi A, Rahmani A. Postpartum sexual quality of life in Iranian and Swiss women. In32nd ICM Virtual Triennial Congress, online, 30 June 2021.

43. Negarandeh R. “The importance of international collaborations in nursing research publications (in English)” presented as Editor-in-Chief of Nursing Practice Today. International symposium of nursing research collaboration. Online (Turkey), 7 October 2022. 

44.  Rahimi-Kian F. An unforgettable foot number. The poster presented in the Second International Hybrid Congress of Ethics in Midwifery and Reproductive Health with the focus on Maternal Dignity. 2023, May 20 and 21. Tehran, Iran.

45. Rahimi-Kian F. Identifying the causes and symptoms perceived by mothers of insufficient milk and how to deal with it in health care centers affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. 22nd National and 1st International Pediatric Nursing Congress. 2024, October, 3,4 and 5. Tehran, Iran.

46. Sarkhani N, Zarei N. Breathing Rooms: A Strategy to Improve the Performance of Healthcare Workers During COVID-19 and Future Pandemics. Covid Lesson Learned & Achievement Congress, Tehran, Iran (26-27 September 2024).

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